Living in a state of anxiety is like being on a ship at sea with storms brewing. The waters are choppy, and you always feel off-kilter; tossed by whichever way the wind is blowing. Whether you are worried about real and present issues, or your mind is full of “what if” fantasies, the effect is the same. You are constantly on alert, and there is no escape from the jittery nervousness that fills your days and nights.
Life will not always go your way. But it’s one thing to be caught in the middle of uncertain storms, and quite another to be watching storms that are way out at sea. With hypnosis, you will begin to develop a new perspective of calm certainty and move away from the stormy seas of anxiety.
Are panic attacks interrupting your life and limiting your freedom? Perhaps your breathing becomes more shallow and there is a pounding in your chest. You can’t think straight; your palms begin to sweat, you feel light-headed, and there is a churning feeling in your gut. Everyone experiences panic symptoms differently, but no matter how they manifest for you, they are overwhelming. A panic attack is frightening, and once one has occurred, the thought of another happening again can keep you in constant worry.
The deeply relaxing experience of hypnosis allows you to discover the reason for your panic in a controlled way. Hypnosis resets the emergency response system and teaches the body and mind to remain calm in the face of what once seemed like a life or death situation.
Have you been seized by fear even when you know logically that whatever you are afraid of can’t harm you? Fear is an instinctual response and your body’s way of protecting you from imminent danger. But sometimes the fear response can be overreactive or become triggered when you’re not in peril. Usually, due to past trauma, fear can cross over into the realm of phobia and wreak havoc on your nervous system.
You don’t have to live in fear any longer! No matter how long you have been living with a particularly distressing phobia, you can face your past fear without any discomfort. Hypnosis uses the power of your mind to desensitize traumatic events and allows you to move forward in quiet comfort.